Aerospace Forum Lower Saxony-Russia

19. Mai 2021 | Hannover: Russland ist eine der führenden Raumfahrtnationen und verfolgt im Bereich des zivilen Flugzeugbaus ambitionierte Ziele. Anfang der 2000er Jahre erfolgte eine Konsolidierung der Luftfahrtindustrie.

May 19, 2021 | Hannover: Russia is one of the leading space nations and is pursuing ambitious goals in the field of civil aircraft construction. A consolidation of the aerospace industry took place in the early 2000s. The resulting aviation consortium OAK (Objedinjonnaja Awiastroitelnaja Korporazija) bundles large parts of the former Soviet state aviation industry and wants to compete with the two leading aircraft manufacturers Airbus and Boeing also on the international market.

For companies in Lower Saxony, the Russian market and/or cooperation with Russian companies offers a wide range of potential.

At the "Lower Saxony-Russia Aerospace Forum" on May 19, 2021, participants from the network of the state initiative and the Russian aerospace industry and research took the opportunity to learn about the respective locations as well as offers and activities of selected companies, to establish new contacts and to expand existing ones.

LNC authorized signatory Dr. Henrik Brokmeier moderated the joint target market activity of the state initiative Niedersachsen Aviation and the representation of the state of Niedersachsen in the Russian Federation. Already since 2008, LNC has been promoting the national and international profile of Lower Saxony as a leading aviation location in the course of the implementation of the state initiative Niedersachsen Aviation on behalf of the Lower Saxony Ministry of Economics, Labor, Transport and Digitalization and develops strategies and measures to support the aerospace industry.

In order to meet the challenges of the companies in positioning themselves in the global value chains and to strengthen their position on the market, the LNC team brings together topic-specific stakeholders in working groups. The respective formats are individually designed based on the players, topics and goals, and the network partners are involved.